Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Myth of Cholesterol- Robert Carlson, MD,FACS

- The Myth of Cholesterol
Robert Carlson, MD, FACS
Chances are if you’re over 30, your doctor wanted to put you on a statin drug to lower your cholesterol. He probably filled you with terror about your elevated levels (and probably didn’t give you your HDL AND LDL numbers.) Please read this twice: Statin drugs are not your friends! They are dangerous and cause more health problems than they help (and they don’t even do that very well!)
Cholesterol is not evil and it’s probably not going to kill you. Cholesterol is actually the foundation for all of those hormones that bring you back to feeling good. It helps build Vitamin D. It keeps your digestion working better, and it allows you to remember where you put your car keys. It’s NOT the bad guy! The secret bad guy that no one talks about is inflammation. Inflammation causes cancer, heart disease, pain and agony.
So why are we so focused on cholesterol? Why is the threshold for cholesterol being “too high” dropping every year? Because statin drugs made the pharmaceutical companies 32 billion dollars last year! Because it made the insurance companies millions of dollars referring to people with elevated cholesterol, as high risk heart patients and therefore increasing their premiums.
If you don’t really understand the biochemical underpinnings of the body, cholesterol is an easy fall guy. It really comes down to money; cholesterol drugs (and all the other drugs to combat their side effects) are a big business and YOU are the one being screwed. It’s time to take on the real culprit and you’ve got proven, inexpensive resources right at your fingertips: Omega -3 fish oils, resveratrol, policosanol,coQ10, and other natural remedies fight the true bad guy called inflammation. There’s not a lot of big money to be made in natural products – you can’t patent them and set your own market price. There aren’t any fish oil reps showing up at your doctor’s office like the highly paid pharma reps that visit him or her regularly.(but now they are…) But the research is available, the simple and natural solution is at your corner store, and there are some doctors who are willing to go out on a limb and expose the truth.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Statins-Let the truth set you free

What would you do for 39 billion dollars a year? Not a measly 100 million, but 39 billion dollars? If the entire existence of your company depended on this discovery, what would you do? Would you keep doing research, despite 9 out of ten of the studies proving that your miracle drug doesn’t work? Would you hire the best and massage the data on your tenth study to make the results look good, no great, no fantastic? Despite an increase in over 2800 % in complications from your medicine? Of course you don’t want to comment on that too much , now do you? The results from your combined studies after appropriate statistical massage now appear so fantastic that everyone should be on your drug, maybe even your dog and your parakeet. Well that is EXACTLY what is going on in the Statin industry, the drug promoted to reduce cholesterol(Crestor, Lipitor, Pravachol, Simvastatin, Vytorin). Of course cholesterol has very little to do with heart disease, but that is really that important when you made 39 billion dollars last year. That means taking normal people, and labeling them patients with “some” supposed increase in cardiac risks, that eventually ONLY means that there insurance premiums will be skyrocketed, and not that they ever will develop heart disease, or even benefit from the statin drug. The only symptom that is almost guaranteed is loss of immediate recall and short term memory, increase in joint and muscle aches, and increased mortality if you are over 65, but of course that has nothing to do with you statin drug and eventually is just blamed on getting old. I assure you IT IS THE STATIN DRUG, and you can find out for yourself when you stop the poison.